The Credit Card Game

Okay, let's be realistic credit card companies aren't the nice people who lend you money if you need it.  They are a business and they are looking to make money.  Credit Cards are a good thing in an emergency situation, but it is so easy to get into trouble if used in the wrong manner.  Follow these tips to stop playing the credit card game.

Learn how to effectivley pay off your credit card debt, before it eats you alive.

Learn all of the tricks of how to save money on everything you can imagine, and get out of debt.


Tips to avoid the credit card game!

*Pay your bill on time, every time.  The late fees and increased intrest will eat you alive and you'll never get out of debt.

*Pay more then you owe.  If you have $6000 in credit card debt and you pay the minimum $180 (and you don't charge another dime) it will take you for years to pay, but if you pay $300 it will only take 2 years to pay back.

*Only use Credit Cards for emergencies.

*Transfer your balance to a new card that offers 12 month, no intrest on transferred balances.  Cut up the old cards!

*Read the fine print.  Did you know if you are late paying your bill, the credit card company reserves the right to increase your APR (annual intrest rate)

*On that note, know the APR, do not sign up for cards that have high APR's (this will depend on your cradit score).

*Don't take cash advances off your credit card, the intrest rate is always bigger then you APR, and it's usally huge.

*Don't sign up for credit cards that make you pay a mandatory yearly user fee.

*Just because you recieve credit card offers in the mail, dosn't mean you can afford another credit card.

*Get a copy of your credit report, know your score and what it means.  Go to annual credit report to get a free copy

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