Grocery Shopping on a Budget

Believe it or not grocery shopping is one of the number one places where money can be saved.  It's amazing how much useless stuff, impulse buys, and wasteful stuff we purchase without even thinking about it.  Learn the top tips on how to save money on your grocery bill.

Learn hundreds of tips and tricks on how to save at the grocery store, and put cash in your pocket

Plan out all of your family meals, so you can save time and money at the grocery store!


Tips to save money grocery shopping!

*Keep an organized pantry.  I organized my pantry the other day and realized how many doubles of things I had.  Keeping an organized pantry will aid in making a shopping list.

*Meal planning.  Plan your weekly meals before you go shopping.  Decide what will be for dinner each night of the week, and look in your pantry, fridge and freezer to see what ingrediants you will need.

*Make a list and stick to it.  Go to a grocery store you know, so you can go to just the isles you need.  If you roam the store you will buy more.

*Shop alone, kids and husbands often lead to impulse buys.

Clip coupons.  But caution, only use coupons on stuff you need, if you usally dons' use a product don't buy it just because you have a coupon.  And before you purchase, look at all the brands, one might be cheaper then the other brands coupon price.

*By generic, alot of generic or store named products taste just as good as the name brand.

*Avoid buying in bulk.  Toilet paper, paper towels, okay I can see that, but buying food items in bulk often leads to the item going wasted.

*Look at the value for your dollar, compare price and size to see whats a better value.

*10 for $10 sales at your local grocery store can be great, but that dosn't mean you need to buy 10.  And look at the other brands, some might be less them $1

*Learn how to make cleaning products at home, that work just as good as the ones you buy.

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