Saving Money When Raising Kids

Unless you make a six figure income having cash left in your pocket (or bank account) while raising children may seem like an impossible task.  The price of daycare, food, clothes and shoes, seems to deplete any savings we have.  But it dosn't have to, check out these tips on how to save money while raising children.


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Tips to save money rasing kids!

*Be realistic on what you can afford and stick to it.

*If at all possible shop alone to avoid the "impulse buy's" children cause and the "gimmee's"

*Seperate there needs from want's, as long as you love them that is what they will remember when they are grown.

*A lot of stuff kids need while growing can be found at a second hand store, for a fraction of the cost.  On a note, buy a new car seat, or check the make and serial number before purchasing to ensure that it meats current safety standards.  Also never purchase or use a crib more then 10 years old, the slats were to wide and could cause injury.

*Use hand me down's, friends, family, siblings, churches, they all always seem to have clothes they have out grown.

*Give them allowance (no really).  Give them allowance for chores around the house, make them earn the money to buy the new toy they want.  It gives them a goal, makes them appreciate what they have, and a plus, it helps you.

*If you need assistance, get it!  Check into your local WIC.  Helps with mothers and children under the age of 5.

*You want a reputable day care, but do your homework.  I have 2 daycares that are the same company, owned by the same person.  These day cares are 4 miles away from each other, one of them is $150 cheaper a week just because of the location.

*Get medical insurance, doctors bills are huge, and you don't even want to think what an Emergency room visit costs.

*Limit snacks and plan good healthy meals the will eat.  Avoid take out, and make their favorites at home.

*Sign up for websites that offer free products.  Similac offers one for babies, and they send a free canister of formula every two months, and $15 in coupons once a month.  Pampers has one that sends you coupons constantly.  What ever your favorite brand, look them up and see if they have deals, if they don't consider changing.

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